
La vía más rápida para la distribución de fondos

Acceda a una de las mayores redes de distribuidores y benefíciese de potentes herramientas digitales para reforzar su estrategia de ventas

Una única plataforma para todas sus necesidades de distribución

Mediante un único acuerdo, Allfunds ofrece a las gestoras de fondos acceso a una amplia red de instituciones financieras y sofisticadas herramientas digitales para que maximicen los resultados de sus actividades de distribución.

Nuestra prioridad es ofrecerle soluciones que simplifiquen la experiencia y eliminen barreras para permitirle centrarse en su negocio.

€1,4 billones_0

€1,4 billones

Activos bajo administración


Usuarios profesionales activos en Allfunds Connect


Contratos de distribución


Oficinas locales

Todos los datos se encuentran actualizados a fecha de 31/12/2023

Nuestra propuesta de valor para gestoras


Escala global a través de un único punto de acceso

Más de 850 distribuidores. Una única plataforma. Un solo contrato. Nuestras 17 oficinas locales proporcionan acceso a la mayor red de distribución y soporte para navegar por ella.



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Reducción de riesgo y costes

Reduzca el riesgo, los costes internos y la carga administrativa con la ayuda de herramientas reglamentarias, un proceso de onboarding directo y canales de registro.


Datos con verdadero potencial

Nuestras herramientas basadas en datos identifican patrones para ayudarle a desarrollar nuevas ideas que podrá utilizar para tomar decisiones de negocio y adquirir ventajas competitivas reales.

Nuestra oferta exclusiva

Una sola plataforma para gestionar todas sus tareas administrativas, visualizar con claridad el flujo de AUM y los datos de mercado, utilizar herramientas y plantillas ESG y, por supuesto, consultar toda la información sobre más de 200.000 fondos y ETFs, incluidos activos alternativos.

Allfunds Data Analytics

Allfunds Tech Solutions

Soluciones Normativas

Soluciones ESG

Allfunds Blockchain

Soluciones de inversión & ManCo

Activos alternativos

Distribución y negociación de fondos

Últimas noticias para gestoras de fondos


Allfunds reinforces team with two senior appointments

New Head of Global Operations will drive overall operational alignment for the business and deliver new synergies between its key international markets 

Newly-created Chief Data Officer role will advance platform and data strategies across Allfunds

Madrid / London, 8 July 2024 – Allfunds, a leading B2B WealthTech platform for the funds industry offering fully integrated solutions for both Fund Houses and Distributors, today announces two senior appointments as the business continues to pursue initiatives to optimise performance and efficiencies across its global operations.

Paola Rengifo joins as Head of Global Operations in Madrid. In her role, Paola will focus on implementing an efficient global operational structure, working towards synergies, innovation, and automation, all aimed at business process reengineering in close partnership with technology.

With a career spanning three decades, Paola has accumulated extensive international responsibility in the financial services sector through her roles driving the analysis and implementation of firms’ corporate strategies with a focus on platforms, products, and resources. In addition to her senior roles at firms including JP Morgan Chase & Co., she served as an Advisory Council Member of business Technology and Innovation of the Santalucía S.A. Group, and presently holds an Associate Board Member position at the Consejo de Innovación y Buen Gobierno (CIBG) in Spain.

Paola joined Allfunds in May 2024 and reports to Antonio Varela, Allfunds’ Chief Operating Officer.

Miguel Ángel Treceño joins as Chief Data Officer, a newly-created role in which he will focus on digital transformation and maximizing the value of Allfunds’ data driven culture. 

Miguel Ángel is a deeply-experienced leader and executive, having worked for more than 20 years in international financial services and wealth management firms where he helped to shape their technology, operations and finance capabilities in line with evolving business strategies. Having begun his career at Credit Suisse, Miguel Ángel has also held senior roles at other global banks including Santander, JP Morgan Chase & Co., and Citibank. He latterly directed a multidisciplinary global team at Citi, overseeing the firm’s Data Strategy, Architecture and Data Investment programmes and initiatives for its Wealth Banking, Lending and Custody platform in New York City.

Based in Madrid, Miguel Ángel joined Allfunds in June. He will also report to Antonio Varela.

Antonio Varela, Chief Operating Officer at Allfunds, continued: “I am delighted to welcome Paola and Miguel to our team, their appointments are testament to our focus on bringing market-leading talent into our business, to drive internal collaboration and pursue further synergies that ultimately deliver an optimal service for our clients. Allfunds is at the vanguard of transformation in the wealth management industry; with the support and creativity of our growing team, we are confident in our ability to remain a critical partner of choice to our clients, surpassing their expectations in an ever-evolving environment.”

8 jul 2024

Allfunds unlocks the power of data for asset managers

Today Allfunds unveils a new range of innovative widgets (micro-applications), a new milestone in its delivery of the most advanced tools in the WealthTech space. Through the seamless integration of browsing data from a user base which includes professional investors from over 800 financial institutions, and cutting-edge artificial intelligence algorithms, these widgets provide unparalleled insight into market trends and investor behavior. This empowers asset managers to make more informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition in today's dynamic investment landscape, who can expect:

  • A snapshot of the most relevant data, including most-visited funds, popular asset classes, and frequent comparisons broken down by geographical region, by entity, etc., information that was previously unavailable.

  • A ranking list of ESG funds rated best by MainStreet Partners, simplifying the process of making sustainable investment choices.

This rollout is just one of the new updates that Allfunds is developing for its digital ecosystem, Allfunds Connect, to expand its offering beyond fund distribution, consolidating as a provider of integrated services for the entire asset management value chain.

These widgets strengthen Allfunds’ position on data analysis and complement the tools of Allfunds Data Analytics, the area that specializes in market intelligence and asset and cash flow analysis, based on a universe of over 3.3 trillion euros. The combination of different services improves result accuracy and makes it possible to forecast user needs by providing the right information at the right time.

By adding these widgets and other popular utilities such as Fund Insights, a section with financial news, opinion articles, and the strategic vision of the world’s leading fund managers, Allfunds Connect is becoming the perfect control center for all investment professionals, who can customise its appearance and choose they information they want to see.

2 jul 2024

Allfunds alcanza un acuerdo con ICBC Asia

·   Allfunds apoyará a ICBC (Asia) en mejorar la accesibilidad a fondos transfronterizos para sus clientes.

·   El acuerdo también incluye la implementación en una segunda fase de soluciones digitales de gestión de carteras e integración de datos.

Madrid y Hong Kong, 27 de junio de 2024 – Allfunds, una de las principales plataformas WealthTech B2B para la industria de fondos, anuncia hoy que ha alcanzado un acuerdo con el Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Asia) Limited («ICBC (Asia)»).

Con el apoyo de Allfunds, ICBC (Asia) tendrá acceso a una nueva plataforma tecnológica: una solución integral para las transacciones de fondos de inversión más eficiente, con menos procesos manuales, además de una reducción considerable en la carga administrativa y riesgos operativos.

En una segunda fase, ICBC (Asia) integrará algunas de las soluciones digitales de Allfunds: Allfunds desarrollará una plataforma de datos API (interfaz de programación de aplicaciones) diseñada para un acceso eficiente e integración de datos de fondos e informes. ICBC (Asia) también tendrá acceso a una de las soluciones emblemáticas de Allfunds, nextportfolio; una herramienta de asesoramiento y gestión de carteras que ofrece capacidades multiactivos y una experiencia digital completamente personalizada.

David Pérez de Albéniz, director regional para Asia en Allfunds, comentó:

Estamos muy contentos de poder apoyar a ICBC (Asia) en sus ambiciones de crecimiento más allá de Hong Kong, donde ya es un líder de mercado consolidado, mientras continuamos desarrollando nuestro ecosistema y nos especializamos aún más en el servicio a Custodios en Asia y a nivel mundial. Estoy convencido de que con este acuerdo ICBC (Asia) reforzará aún más su propuesta de valor y logrará una mayor escalabilidad y eficiencia en el servicio a sus clientes.

 Xu Lei, subdirector ejecutivo del ICBC Asia, añadió:

Estamos muy satisfechos con nuestro acuerdo con Allfunds y creemos que tenemos muchas posibilidades de colaboración por explorar aún. El Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited («ICBC») es uno de los mayores bancos custodios de China. Como abanderado de los negocios en el extranjero del ICBC, ICBC (Asia) proporciona servicios de custodia globales, cubriendo más de 90 mercados en todo el mundo a través de las organizaciones intergrupales y la red de subcustodios del ICBC. El ICBC (Asia) respalda diversos productos de inversión globales, como el QDII, el QFI, Bond Connect, el CIBM y otros negocios transfronterizos; así como el fondo común de Hong Kong, fondos de las Islas Caimán, cuentas independientes, OFC, LPF, SPAC, Escrow y otros negocios locales de Hong Kong y del extranjero.

27 jun 2024

Allfunds and MainStreet Partners Unveil Sustainability Navigator

Allfunds and MainStreet Partners Unveil the Sustainability Navigator: a cutting-edge automated tool designed to efficiently build and audit Article 8 and 9 portfolios in line with the current EU regulatory framework.

Allfunds and MainStreet Partners are proud to announce the launch of the Sustainability Navigator, an innovative tool engineered to streamline the construction of sustainable investment portfolios and deliver comprehensive data insights for asset managers and wealth managers in line with the frameworks of the SFDR regulation.

Sustainability Navigator is a direct result of the collaborative efforts of Allfunds and MainStreet Partners, which have harnessed their combined expertise and strengths to create this tool. MainStreet Partners brings unmatched proficiency in sustainability advisory and proprietary data since 2008. Conversely, Allfunds contributes its cutting-edge digital ecosystem and user-centric approach, seamlessly integrating the tool into Allfunds Connect for instant access to tailored information.

The tool empowers users in two primary ways:
1) The option to upload existing portfolios and gain instant access to a detailed report and breakdowns of several data points including: % of sustainable investments, ESG ratings, presence of controversies and taxonomy alignment.

2) Alternatively, build customized portfolios from scratch and in line with Art.8 and 9 frameworks of EU's Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation, using a universe of over 8,500 issuers. Investors can apply various filtering criteria based on best ESG screening practices, including controversies, PAIs, and alignment to the UN SDGs. This empowers them to build portfolios and universes that align with their specific sustainability goals and objectives, while obtaining comprehensive ESG results for each selected issuer.

Key features of the Sustainability Navigator include:

  • Comprehensive Data Integration: Leveraging a vast database of over 8,500 issuers to offer rich and accurate insights on portfolio risk and positive contribution.

  • Real-Time Analysis and Simulation: Empowering users to filter and analyze the sustainable universe in real time.

  • Streamlined Sustainable Portfolio Construction: Simplifying the task of building sustainable portfolios with a tool developed purposefully in alignment with current EU sustainability regulation and frameworks.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Providing a seamless and intuitive journey for users to make informed choices without overwhelming complexities.

Juan de Palacios, Chief Strategy and Product Officer at Allfunds, proudly states, "We are thrilled to release this tool, showcasing the fruitful collaboration that has evolved since we announced Allfunds' acquisition of MainStreet at the beginning of 2023. This undertaking aligns perfectly with our ambition at the time of leveraging leading sustainable data and expertise and integrate it who seamlessly into Allfunds' one stop-shop approach."

Simone Gallo, Managing Director at MainStreet Partners adds “The development of the Sustainability Navigator, supported by Allfunds extensive distribution network, will bring MainStreet’s expertise closer to a wider audience. Together we have built a unique digital tool to automatise the main needs of several investors that want to build an Art.8 product or transform an Art.8 into and Art.9 and have often asked us: how can I build and audit in an efficient and cost-effective way several sustainable universes using thousands of data points that speak the language of the SFDR framework?”

13 may 2024

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