Internal Information System & Reporting Channel
Allfunds is committed to regulatory compliance and ethical behaviour in the conduct of its business. The Internal Information System & Reporting Channel has been established to effectively protect reporting persons and implement applicable regulations.
The Reporting Channel can be used by Allfunds’ employees, former workers, potential employees involved in recruitment processes, trainees, independent professionals rendering services to Allfunds, persons working under the supervision and direction of contractors, subcontractors and providers and also directors and shareholders of any Group company and any other person if expressly provided by applicable local legislation. Through this channel, they may report any irregularities they observe, especially those that might constitute improper practices, law breaches, or allegedly illegal acts.
The Allfunds Internal Information Systema & Reporting Channel Policy sets out the general principles governing the information system and reporting persons’ protection. Reporting persons shall act in good faith without making knowingly false, malicious or frivolous accusations. The Reporting Channel operates under the principle of strict confidentiality of all information provided, and Allfunds will ensure the confidentiality of the reporting person’s identity if communicated. Likewise, anonymous reports may also be filed and will be processed in the same way.
Allfunds will handle reports with absolute impartiality and ensuring the absence of prejudice for reporting persons. Allfunds will not tolerate any form of retaliation (including the simple threat or attempted retaliation) against reporting persons. Retaliation is understood as any act or omission that results in the reporting persons’ unfavourable treatment or that place the Reporting Persons in a disadvantageous position in the professional sphere based only on their status as reporting persons. The foregoing will not prevent the adoption of disciplinary actions in accordance with applicable rules and regulations in the event of a deliberately false, wrong or misleading report submitted in bad faith.
In any case, please note that you may always contact directly the European Union institutions, bodies, offices or agencies created locally for these purposes in accordance with the provisions of the applicable legislation
Please note that the Reporting Channel is not intended to apply to commercial dissatisfaction nor general inquires. For general inquiries and clients’ complaints, please click on the links.